Cuban Sandwich Recipe

Cuban Sandwich Recipe

Packed with layers of savory ham, slow-roasted pork, Swiss cheese, pickles, Mayonnaise, and mustard, this sandwich is a delicious fusion of Cuban and American flavors. In this blog post, I'll guide you through the process of creating an authentic Cuban sandwich that will have you savoring every bite.

Cuban Sandwich Recipe


Slow-Roasted Pork

  • 1 lb pork shoulder

  • 8 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1 cup orange juice

  • 1/3 cup lime juice

  • 1/3 cup olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon salt, black pepper, oregano, and cumin

The Sandwich

  • Cuban bread or French bread (most places won’t have Cuban bread so French bread the next best for this recipe)

  • 1/2 cup of slow roasted pork (see above)

  • 2 slices black forest ham

  • 2 slices Swiss cheese

  • 4 thinly sliced dill pickles

  • 2 tablespoons butter


  1. Prepare your slow-roasted pork by seasoning it with salt and pepper all over and placing it in a large crockpot.

  2. Next, make your mojo marinade by combining minced garlic, orange juice, lime juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, oregano, and cumin. Pour the marinade over the pork shoulder and cook on low heat for about 8 hours or until pork is cooked through.

  3. Once cooked, remove from slow cooker and shred with a fork.

  4. Slice the loaf of Cuban or French bread in half lengthwise, creating a top and bottom half. If the bread is too thick, you can lightly scoop out some of the inside to make room for the fillings.

  5. Next, layer the fillings. Start by spreading a generous amount of mustard on the bottom half of the bread and Mayonnaise on the top half of the bread. Layer the slow-roasted pork, followed by the ham and Swiss cheese on top of the mustard. Finally, add a layer of pickles on the cheese.

  6. Pressing the Sandwich: Gently press the top half of the bread onto the fillings, creating a sandwich. The sandwich should be compact, with the fillings evenly distributed.

  7. Grilling the Cuban Sandwich: Melt butter in a pan on medium heat then place the sandwich on the pan or griddle and use a heavy skillet or a panini press to press it down. Cook for about 3-4 minutes on each side, or until the bread turns golden brown and crispy, and the cheese has melted.

  8. Slicing and Serving: Once the sandwich is grilled to perfection, remove it from the pan and let it cool slightly. Use a sharp knife to slice the sandwich diagonally into halves or into smaller portions for sharing.


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